About us
Over the years, we’ve amassed a large amount of talks, publications and books in the field of Visual Learning, which you can find here
Our 9th annual VLL Conference will run between 25-27 November 2020, created in cooperation of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. With over 60 presentations from international experts in their fields, the conference aims to paint a comprehensive picture of the state of the latest developments in Visual Learning.
Over the last decade, the Visual Learning Lab created several conferences and events, showcasing the latest developments in this field, and giving experts opportunities to come together to share, discuss and contextualize their findings. You can find a detailed timeline about this here.
Mission statement
Although we naturally think in both words and images, educational theory has focused overwhelmingly on the verbal dimensions of teaching and learning. This is in part a reflection of the rise of book printing: pictures receded into the background, even in spite of efforts by Comenius and others to integrate them into texts created for educational purposes. In today’s networked digital environment, however, images are easy to access, and can be handled just as smoothly as words. In response to the new challenges hereby created, the Department of Technical Education in the Budapest University of Technology and Economics has established the Visual Learning Lab (VLL), with the goal of furthering the use of visual technologies — including film, video, and interactive digital media — in the teaching and learning process, and of engaging in high-level research on all aspects of visual education.
Members of the lab
![Jay Smith](https://kriesi.at/themes/enfold-one-page-agency/wp-content/uploads/sites/83/2018/10/desat-boy-m4.jpg)
Jay Smith
![Olivia Miles](https://kriesi.at/themes/enfold-one-page-agency/wp-content/uploads/sites/83/2018/10/desat-girl-m13.jpg)
Olivia Miles
![Vanessa Silk](https://kriesi.at/themes/enfold-one-page-agency/wp-content/uploads/sites/83/2018/10/desat-girl-m15.jpg)
Vanessa Silk
![Brandon Perry](https://kriesi.at/themes/enfold-one-page-agency/wp-content/uploads/sites/83/2018/10/desat-boy-m1.jpg)
Brandon Perry
Get in touch
we would love to hear from you
Prof. András BENEDEK
Department of Technical Education
1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2., wing A, 1. floor , A130.