Visual Learning:


Deadlines for Submissions

The deadline for, and format of, abstracts and bios submitted:

The planned final submission deadline was Aug. 15, 2017, but we did strongly encourage early submissions, and welcomed, as explained above, preliminary informal inquiries. We expected a short bio (max. 100 words) stating affiliation and interests, and an abstract (max. 200 words). We asked those submitting not to add to the abstract a separate list of references.

We asked those submitting to indicate the conference section they intended their talk for (while, as indicated above, we were happy to negotiate with prospective participants who wished to go beyond the given sections/topics suggestions). Acceptance notification was planned to be over by Sept. 10, 2017, but the process was actually much swifter.

To each conference section a chairperson, an assistant chairperson, and a technical assistant will be assigned well before April 2018, that is each speaker will receive individual assistance and attention both before and during the event.

The envisaged time slot for each talk (presentation + discussion) is 30 minutes.